Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Inger is 17 days old now. She really doesn't like taking naps, but at least she sleeps well at nighttime. B is still working, praise the Lord! They needed more help for this next month, so he didn't get laid off. Inger had another doctors visit yesterday. She passed her birthweight by an ounce. She is now 9-3 and 21.5 inches. She's a healthy little bug.

When she does sleep, she's out!

We got snow a few days ago. Here is Inger with her first snow! Too bad she couldn't play in it.

If you look closely, you can see the healing aftermath from the picture below.
(underneath her left eye) It may be small, but so is she.

So, she likes to suck on her fingers, thumb, whatever she can...however when she found her thumb, she didn't know what to do with the rest of her fingers. Can you guess what she did next? Yep, she put her fingers to her little face and clawed her own skin! Boy, was she unhappy! I know it may sound mean, but I laughed. The look on her face was priceless. She didn't know what happened. She was just content to suck on her thumb, then bam! It was the startled freaked-out look. And then came the crying. Funny thing is she did it two more times after this. Same thing. Maybe she will eventually learn, until then I just need to make sure her nails aren't weapons.

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