So we had a long day yesterday. We got to the airport two and a half hours early. We finally got to the gate about an hour before we were to board, but let the girls run for a little while. I am so thankful that my dad was able to be there to help out. God totally provided yesterday, and in ways I wasn't expecting. Atalie cried most of the trip, but I had a great couple of ladies around me that kept trying to entertain her. She was totally spent by the time we arrived...only slept for maybe 15 minutes all day! Inger on the other hand did pretty well. She slept for maybe 20 minutes :) but all in all the flight actually felt like it went by fast. When we arrived my sis and mom were waiting with open arms. It was great. We had a quick dinner and then an hour trip home. On our way we saw some beautiful sights. The Capitol, the Washington monument, the Jefferson memorial, all sorts of amazing historic sights. It was great. A good end to the day. So, bottom line is that God is good. Even in the midst of chaos and wanting to just flat out cry, He is my stay. The peace that surpasses all understanding...(sigh)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Ampa found a new little park!

Today we got a concrete patio poured and I finished up all the details of the trip to see B. He woke me up this morning with a phone call. It was the best way to wake up! He is doing great, and though it's hard, God is working in a mighty way right now. I got a little down on myself the lately because I haven't been in the word much lately. And how I should be doing all I can do to fight well during this time. That all that we go through is for others and to serve others, that the comfort we receive from Christ is to help those who need to be comforted. But even though I fail, He has reminded me in beautiful little ways that He is providing and caring for us. It is very humbling to think that the Almighty would have time to help me. Little ol' me. I haven't done anything, I can't do anything, and He knows I will only fail. "He remembers we are but dust"...I love that. He knows, and He still loves and pursues. He is a warrior, strong and victorious, burning with passion for His bride. Oh to think and muse on that tonight.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
fun filled day.
We had a fun filled day today. Caiden came over to play for most of the day (he is such a gem to have) and then at small group tonight, they busted out the big slide! It was in the 70s, but it didn't feel like it for long. The kids had a blast. Thank you A and T for the fun!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
happy fathers day!
Happy fathers day! B we miss you and love you so so much! The girls were up at 5 something this morning...Atalie is already back to sleep, and it's not quite 8. And Inger just created a new purple marker tatoo...good thing it's washable!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
mud run.
I did the survivor mud run today. The weather was drizzly, but the girls were pretty good. The race itself was absolutely fun. The only thing is that I had to wait three different times to go over an of them I waited for over 40 minutes. So, looking at my time that was clocked for me, I'm a little slow (25 min miles!). It's all good though. It was really fun to do. I can't wait to do another one.

Yeah! I finished...And yes, I am giving a thumbs up because I am cheesy and excited all at the same time. This picture really doesn't do justice to the amount of mud clinging to me. In the words of Inger later... "mommy stinky" - translation, I needed a shower :)

Yeah! I finished...And yes, I am giving a thumbs up because I am cheesy and excited all at the same time. This picture really doesn't do justice to the amount of mud clinging to me. In the words of Inger later... "mommy stinky" - translation, I needed a shower :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
first week.

Well, we got through almost a full week. We heard from B last night, and boy did I have a gitty-up in my step. It was just an email, but to hear from him that he is doing good and succeeding was such an encouragement. It made going to work today that much better. I don't think I even slept last night I was so excited. When we were dating, I would get like this, so excited when he would call and just jazzed to hear from him...that he still was diggin' me. Now, it's like that but better. My husband, my best friend, my love is not with me, but to hear his voice (even if it's through an email) is whipped cream, hot fudge, cherries and lots and lots of sprinks!
The girls got to talk to him today. He called when I was at work, but Inger was so funny. She kept randomly talking to him on his old cell phone and would bring him up in our conversations. It's pretty cute.
(Benny boy boo boo...hahaha...just kidding...if you are reading this, I am so proud of you! The man you are, the man you are becoming, the way God is molding you to serve Him wherever you are at, I am truly blessed to be your wife! Thank you for all you do!)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
"Preserve me, O God, for in You I take refuge. I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from You." As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those who run after another god shall mulitply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips. The LORD is my chosen protion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For You will not abandom my soul to Sheol, or let Your holy one see curruption. You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16
Today was a lot better. The girls and I had a full day of running around, painting, and playing. It's fun to get little projects done around the house. Not only does it keep my mind off of things but it also is exciting to know how suprised B will be when he gets home. (note: I am not doing anything that we haven't already talked about...just to set the record straight :) )
Today was a lot better. The girls and I had a full day of running around, painting, and playing. It's fun to get little projects done around the house. Not only does it keep my mind off of things but it also is exciting to know how suprised B will be when he gets home. (note: I am not doing anything that we haven't already talked about...just to set the record straight :) )
On that note...we are getting our deck done...and today we were finally able to enjoy some sunshine on it! It is soooo great! I cannot say enough about it. Tom did an amazing job on it and I'm so excited for B to come home and see it. He will love it!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A family from church that has gone through this before suggested this to us. I thought it was kind of cute. Plus she gets chocolate :) I don't think she will argue against that.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
and so it begins.

B went to the airport bright and early this morning (or should I say, bright and early when I got back). Just kind of in 'go' mode now. The girls were kind of a wreck tonight, but sundays are always a little harder with church in the morning. I'm missing my husband right now. I got to talk to him for a few minutes today. He even tried to call me after he got to base, but had to hang up almost immediately. I'm just preparing myself for not talking to him for three weeks ... although the phone is right next to me in case he calls :) God is good. The sermon this morning was just for me...Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life"...all anxiety about anything, all concerns or fears, all doubts and unbelief, all of it is answered in this. He says, "believe in Me, believe that I and the Father are One, that I am in Him and He is in Me...Trust in Me." Oh, it was soo good. If you want to hear it, here is the website. Thank You Jesus that You are the way, the truth and the life, that no one comes to the Father except through You. Thank You that You desire all to know this, and You graciously opened my eyes to see this truth.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Hello again.

Yep, 6 months. And what a road we have been on. Atalie is one now, walking and is starting to show her personality. She is a pretty happy little girl, but has a strong side to her for sure. Inger is two, and we are in the midst of so much learning. Bennett is getting ready to gear up and serve our country, and I am so incredibly proud of him and proud to call him my husband. What an amazing man he is and is becoming. God has worked in him in such an incredible way this last year, it leaves me speechless. Thank You Lord for this life You have given. So, I am going to try and start posting again. Amidst all the chaos and change, Lord willing I can share all the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears with you all.
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