Well, we got through almost a full week. We heard from B last night, and boy did I have a gitty-up in my step. It was just an email, but to hear from him that he is doing good and succeeding was such an encouragement. It made going to work today that much better. I don't think I even slept last night I was so excited. When we were dating, I would get like this, so excited when he would call and just jazzed to hear from him...that he still was diggin' me. Now, it's like that but better. My husband, my best friend, my love is not with me, but to hear his voice (even if it's through an email) is whipped cream, hot fudge, cherries and lots and lots of sprinks!
The girls got to talk to him today. He called when I was at work, but Inger was so funny. She kept randomly talking to him on his old cell phone and would bring him up in our conversations. It's pretty cute.
(Benny boy boo boo...hahaha...just kidding...if you are reading this, I am so proud of you! The man you are, the man you are becoming, the way God is molding you to serve Him wherever you are at, I am truly blessed to be your wife! Thank you for all you do!)
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