Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's been a while since I've added anything. I've had my hands full.

A sleeping Inger.

We had a little visitor on Saturday. Inger doesn't know it yet, but Caiden has the approval of far. Ha!

Our little trip out to TJs. I got to use the hot sling that my sister got me. Yes, there are skulls and hearts on it. Super fun! It was great to get out. Crazy how much longer it takes to get things done. I heard that happens, but didn't realize how true it is until now. Welcome to motherhood! Right?!?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Getting sqeaky clean!

My, oh, my...look at that hair! It's so soft and snuggly!

Daddy doing his homework. Almost done!

The last couple days B and I were able to get out for a walk. It was so nice! Inger's first walk she got to wear some converse that Auntie Charlene got her...oh, so cute! They are a little bit big but that's okay. (Yes, they are pink and I love it!)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It has been a big day today. Her food was delivered and she had a her first doctors appointment. We both needed a nap this afternoon. She is so funny. She looks around like she can see for miles, her neck is pretty strong for a 3 day old, and she is really good about putting her hands in her mouth (which she started the second she was born). Speaking of hands in her mouth, lesson to all who read and to all who hear those who read this...wash your hands! No mom wants your nasty unwashed hands touching their son or daughter's hands which will end up in their mouth. Anyways, we are doing pretty good. B has been so amazing and helpful. I'm so thankful that he had some time off.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

At 3:30 in the morning on Sunday February 15, my water broke. We went straight to the hospital and by 10:07 Inger took her first breath. Ouch! That is all I'm going to say, and those who have gone through it understand. I was so thankful to be able to labor naturally, as God designed me to. To have her placed on me right after she shot out (as B puts it), was so intense. I couldn't believe it. It was over, and yet just begun. We got home yesterday afternoon and have been adjusting. The little bean doesn't realize that nighttime is when you sleep and daytime is when you are awake. She's funny though. Little Inger. I cannot thank God enought for His provision. His name is Jehovah Jireh...
Inger Ina Olsson
9lbs 2oz

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Valentine's Day. This was made special for Krista...and all others who despise the obligation of having to buy chocolates and flowers one day out of the year to show them that you love them.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm at 39 weeks and waiting for the day for our little one to come out and join us. It reminds me of the birth pains and waiting for Christ...not completely, but similar. How every once in a while there is this feeling, and there are these signs that show that it will be soon. But no one really knows the day or time that it will take place. We can do all in our power to try and bring it sooner, but only Christ knows when it really will happen. It's funny too because you know what awaits the other side of the process, but part of you still feels comfortable in what and where you are now.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We are getting ready for our little one to come.